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“Balticus Advocatus“ consults physical and legal persons on legal questions, performs documentary legal evaluation, makes drafting of legal documents, represents client interests in business deals, in state executive and local government institutions, in social and non-governmental organizations, in law enforcement and law and order institutions and courts
Phone/Fax.: +370 52 62 1994


Professional Law Partnership A. Marcinkevicius & partners "Balticus Advocatus" consults physical and legal persons on legal questions, performs documentary legal evaluation, makes drafting of legal documents, represents client interests in business deals, in state executive and local government institutions, in social and non-governmental organizations, in law enforcement and law and order institutions and courts in the following fields of law:
::  Administrative law
::  Restoration of property rights
::  Alternative dispute solution
::  Refugee law
::  Antitrust and trade control
::  Liability for production quality
::  Inheritance law
::  Representation of clients in administrative cases
::  Representation of clients in civil cases
::  Author rights and related rights
::  Patent law
::  Industrial design
::  Trademark law
::  Road accidents
::  Law of obligations
::  Privacy law
::  Process renewal
::  Material law
::  Professional liability
::  Labor and welfare law
::  Regressive claims
::  Labor law
::  Advertisement
::  Insurance law
::  Family law
::  Mortgage and pledge
::  ::  Debtor and creditor relations
::  Immigration and naturalization
::  Debt exigibility
::  Companies liquidation
::  Real estate law
::  Formation of companies
::  Law of studies
::  Enterprise merging and acquisitions
::  Law of contracts
Corporate law
::  Education law
::  IT law
::  Braking of the duty law
::  Intellectual property law
::  Legal audit of enterprise contracts
::  Employees pay-off
::  Judgments on claim securing and adopting temporary punishment
::  Adoption and tutelage
::  Children material and immaterial rights
::  Commercial secrecy
::  Civil servants law
::  Commercial representation and distribution
::  Consumer protection
::  Business law
::  Law of competition
::  Public procurement
::  Licensing
::  Media law
::  Human rights
::  Trade union law and legal regulation
::  Non-governmental organization law and legal regulation
::  Political party law and legal regulation   © 2005   Balticus Advocatus.   All Rights Reserved.  Legal Notice and Disclaimer